devskim blog

Perception in self-driving car

Self-driving Car
Jun 11, 2023 02:30 PM
Last Updated
Jul 30, 2023 09:49 AM

Process of self-driving car

  • Process of self driving car
    • notion image
  • Perception
  • Sensor Fusion
  • Localiztion
  • Path Planning
  • Control

Sensors of self-driving car

  • Multi-sensors in self-driving car
  • Mutli-Cameras
  • Various sensors in self-driving car
    • Camera
    • Radar
      • 라디오파를 사용한 무선 감지 및 거리 측정
      • 정밀도는 비교적 낮고, 가격이 비교적 저렴
    • Lidar
      • 적외선 펄스를 사용한 물체 감지 및 거리 측정
      • 정밀도 높으며 가격이 비쌈

Application of perception in self-driving cat

  • ADAS
  • Parking assistance
  • Develivery robot
  • AGV

Use case

  • Mobileye
  • Tesla

Visual perception tasks

  • Classification
  • semantic segmentation
  • Object Detection
  • Instance segmentation
  • Depth/Distance estimation
  • Object tracking
PREV자율주행과 Perception