devskim blog

Image Classification, Pytorch

Jun 11, 2023 02:39 PM
Last Updated
Jul 30, 2023 09:49 AM

Image classification

  • Classify the image what is labeld to defined classes.
  • Enable to classify the label of object using “CNN”
    • CNN(Convolutional Neral Network) is most commonly applied to analyze visual imagery.
      • Convolution, Pooling, Fully connceted…
      • A class of Artificial Neural Network
      • Multi-layers

Awesome Model

  • Deep learning surpass the traditional CV in 2012 AlexNet
  • LeNet5 (1998)
    • First CNN network
    • MLP network 단점 극복
    • 2D input [32*32]
  • AlexNet (2012)
    • 2012 ImageNet Winner
    • Input [224*224]
    • Multi-GPU training
    • ReLU
  • VGGNet (2014)
    • ILSVRC’14 2nd in classification
    • 3x3 convolution
    • Deep layers
  • GoogLeNet (2014)
    • ILSVRC’14 1st in classification
    • Inception module
    • 1x1 convolution
  • ResNet (2015)
    • Microsoft
    • Residual block
    • Skip connection


  • Deep Learing Frameworks
  • Define-by-Run
    • notion image


  • 1D, 2D, …, N-dimensions
  • Array, matrix와 유사한 자료구조
  • Input, output of each layer in DL model
PREVConvolutional Neural Networks
NEXTYolov3와 Yolov5